Contribute to the PromptCards Archive

To contribute a prompt to the PromptCards Archive, please use the following template and create a new Markdown file with your prompt card's content:

Title: [Title of your prompt]
Author: [Name or the authors that created the prompt]
Paperlink: [Link to the paper]
Date: [Date created or updated]
Language: [Language of the prompt]
Task: [NLP task]
Version: [Version number, e.g., 1.0]
Addedby: [Your name or organization]

## Prompt Description

[Briefly describe the purpose of the prompt and the context in which it is intended to be used, especially in the context of artificial annotation with generative models.]

## Prompt Text

[Insert the complete prompt text here, including any specific instructions or formatting.]

## Language

- Prompt Language: [Specify the language of the prompt, e.g., English]
- Dataset Language: [Specify the language of the dataset to which the prompt is applied, e.g., English]

## NLP Task

- Task: [Specify the NLP task in more detail, e.g., sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, summarization]
- Subtask: [If applicable, provide any subtask or variation related to the main NLP task, e.g., binary sentiment classification, multi-class sentiment classification]

## Example Input and Output

- Example 1
  - Input: [Provide an example input for the prompt]
  - Output: [Provide an example output for the given input]
- Example 2
  - Input: [Provide another example input for the prompt]
  - Output: [Provide another example output for the given input]

## Parameters and Constraints

- Parameter 1: [Specify any parameters, such as temperature or token count]
- Parameter 2: [Specify additional parameters or constraints if applicable]

## Evaluation Metrics

[List the evaluation metrics used to assess the quality of the generated artificial annotations, such as accuracy, F1 score, or BLEU score.]

## Use Cases

[List any specific use cases or applications for the prompt in artificial annotation, such as data annotation, semi-supervised learning, or active learning.]

## Limitations and Potential Biases

[Briefly discuss any limitations or potential biases associated with the prompt, as well as any steps taken to mitigate them, in the context of artificial annotation with generative models.]

## Related Research and References

[List any relevant research papers, articles, or resources that informed the creation of the prompt or are closely related to it, especially in the area of artificial annotation with generative models. Include proper citations where applicable.]

## Cite

[Add the relevant publication]

After creating the Markdown file with your prompt card's content, you can contribute your prompt to the PromptCards Archive by submitting a pull request to the GitHub repository ☁️⬆️ or sending a mail with the prompt card's content.